November Women in Leadership
Each meeting will host a knowledgeable speaker who has a great message to encourage professional development & growth that involves actual interaction, not just computer- or seminar-based learning. Speakers are carefully selected for their experiences & information they can bring to our members.
Members of WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP are required to be Wadsworth Area Chamber of Commerce members through their business, organization or as a community member; however, each chamber member must join WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP individually.
REAL CONVERSATIONS WITH WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP meets on the first Monday of each month, be-ginning May 2, 2022, at Soprema Senior Center & Café, 617 School Drive, Wadsworth, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Catered lunches are $15 each and reservations are requested to the Chamber office by the Wednesday before each meeting. One evening event is scheduled – September 22, 2022.
Membership dues for WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP are $35 per year. Dues will not go into effect until May 2023, and then invoiced each April. The committee that formed WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP want to make certain that find value in this group before you commit.
REAL CONVERSATIONS WITH WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP Speaker: Pat Bennett, President and Founder of Pat's Granola
November Women in Leadership
November 7, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
The Wadsworth Chamber's Women in Leadership's mission of the group is to provide a monthly avenue for women in business to come together for professional development and networking.